I’m posting this here as well, because I think it’s useful for us students to see what each other intend to show, so we get some kind of unity in the show.
What do you intend to exhibit?
Please be as specific as you can, for example: how many pieces do you intend to exhibit? What is the size of your proposed work/s? (Include a drawing if this is useful)
In dark space:
2 videos. I would like to project them on a wall or white fabric rather than show them on screens, so they look more ghostly/cinematic. They may be shown looped one after the other or on opposite walls so that the viewer stands in between them, depending on available projection space. Depending on whether it is wide enough to use projectors in it, the corridor may be an atmospheric place to show the videos. However I’m flexible about this because I think Christalla may need it more for her installation.
In light space:
Some photographs. I do not know yet how to present them, but in any case each photograph is 12*8” printed (unfamed). I can curate between 6 – 20 of them depending on the (fair compared to other students) amount of space allocated to me.
Solution 1 to show the photographs: traditionally framed in 16*12” frames. This is probably best if the ‘light room’ looks very ‘fine art’ (I know Matt and Tahira show photographs too).
Solution 2: a printed book like Kevin did last year (subject to cost) on a shelf + a few unframed photographs pinned on the wall above the shelf. This informal/scrapbook look may be best if the show has a ‘not Fine Art’ atmosphere.
Do you have any other specific requests?
e.g. power supply, a corner, floor space, or darkened area
Dark space for videos, corridor may be nice.
Light space for photographs.
If possible, 1 or 2 projectors from UAL store for the videos. If possible, 1 or 2 DVD players as well, but I could probably get those on freecycle if needed. Power supply for those. Screens or white sheet if the wall space is no good for projection.
Really, I need an area both in the dark and light room but I’m quite flexible as to how big in each (as long as the dark space is big enough to use the projectors).
What are the Health & Safety considerations?
(please note that before the degree show you must complete a UAL Risk Assessment Form, which must be signed off by the course director who can help decide if further action is needed)
Put the projector cables so that they don’t cause a tripping hazard.
Pins if unframed photographs.